Your Guide To Belgium Chocolate

"The chocoholics 12-step program:
Never be more than 12 steps from chocolate!"
Terry Moore
If the above quote is true then Belgium is chocoholic heaven.
Here, you're hardly ever more than 12 steps from Belgium chocolate, which is as close as the nearest chocolate boutique, grocery store, service station or vending machine.
With the European Union headquartered here, Belgium is considered the Capital of Europe. But some also consider it the Capital of Chocolate.
In Belgium, there are some 300 different Belgian chocolate companies, thousands of places to buy chocolate, and hundreds of chocolate goodies to tempt the palate and tilt the scales.
Willie Wonka never had it so good.
Discover The Wonderful World
of Belgian Chocolate
So what's the story behind Belgium chocolate? How did chocolate become such a vibrant part of the Belgian economy? Who are the major players? The minor ones? What makes Belgian chocolate 'Belgian'? And how can there possibly be that much difference in products produced by chocolatiers from competing companies?
The Brussels-Belgium-Travel-Guide offers this section to answer these questions and more about the wonderful world of Belgian chocolate. Whether your visit to Belgium is for a day, a week or a month, you'll want to experience Belgian chocolate. We'll tell you how to do just that.
See below and subsequent links to other pages to expand your knowledge and stretch your palate on this topic.

Click here to learn more about the Brussels Grand Place Guide.
Tracing Belgian Chocolate History
How did such a small country become such a big producer of a product it doesn't even grow? What has this small country done to become world-famous with the fruit of the cocoa tree? We've traced the history of the cocoa bean all the way to the modern-day Belgian praline and share that with you in Belgian Chocolate History
The history of Belgian chocolate is also traced by famous chocolate quotes. (One presumes, that world-famous Belgian chocolate inspired its share of famous quotes.) From the aristocrat to the artist and from the priest to the physician, chocolate quotes tempt both palate and tongue. All in Chocolate Quotes
Belgium chocolates come in a variety of shapes, sizes and savours. From traditional Belgian pralines to the classic chocolate bar, and from the Aztec-inspired hot chocolate drink to the many wonderful treats dipped, smothered or covered in chocolate, Belgian chocolatiers are nothing if not inventive, creative and prolific in what they do with the magical cacoa bean.
We review the more traditional forms, modern fashions, and even whimsical products in Belgium Chocolates
If you can't get yourself near some Belgian chocolate, then why not try making your own? Here's a recipe we found for Belgian chocolate truffles.
Celebrating Belgian Chocolate
The making of Belgium chocolate is demonstrated, exhibited and celebrated with national pride. This section introduces you to chocolate museums and chocolate festivals as well as chocolate workshops, tours and demonstrations that you can experience.
Museum of Cocao and Chocolate
Choco-Story Chocolate Museum
Choco-Late Chocolate Festival
Belgian Chocolate Tours
Belgian Chocolate Workshops and Chocolate Demonstrations
Belgian Chocolate Features
Here we feature Belgian chocolate companies and their shops, offering our thoughts and opinions about the many Belgian chocolate choices available here. At the end of each feature, we provide directories of store locations.
We also take you behind the counters of famous Belgian chocolatiers into their workshops where you'll meet company owners, learn about their passion for chocolate and hear about their products - old and new.
The only thing we can't do is give you a taste...sorry...the world wide web does have its limits!
Galler Chocolatiers
Neuhaus Chocolate
Planete Chocolat
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