Need A Map of Belgium?

A map of Belgium can come in handy if you're planning a trip here. Whether you want to learn about the history, geography or politics of Belgium, or just want a 'lay of the land' before coming, the Brussels-Belgium-Travel-Guide has assembled some 'best of' map links to help you.
Belgium isn't a big country. In fact, it's about the size of the state of Maryland in the USA. Comprised of almost 12,0000 square miles, Belgium is located east of France, west of The Netherlands and Germany, and southwest of the United Kingdom.
The links below offer several different perspectives of the country. You will find maps detailing the geography of the country, the political landscape, and Belgium's location in relation to other European countries on the continent. You'll also find links to sites with a satellite map as well as a 'zooom and find' map that will help you locate key regions, cities and even streets.
National Geographic Belgium Map
Belgium Political Map
Satellite Map of Belgium
Zoom and Find Belgium Map
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